21 maart 2010

kick ass drum machines!!!

check out these robotic drum machines, play them all at once it's fun!

18 maart 2010

VT on Focus knack!

The Nice people @ Focus Knack did an interview!


Shadow of the Colossus remakes!

We loved the ps2 game "shadow of the colossus", It's about a young boy who has to defeat huge statue like monsters,with super nice graphics and enchanting music!
Now somebody did a remake or better a "demake" of the game in 8-Bit style, quite funny and appealing!


We absoluteley love our gameboys, the portability, the sexy design, the harsh sound and the neverending software that's still developing.
We're now building the Arduinoboy, wich let's you sync your gameboy up with midi devices and computers! We're just starting out with our arduino, a great open source platform for experimentation with almost every analog/digital signal!

check out arduinoboy :
Check out Arduino :

Tapetronic Scratch 'n Tape madness!

Exoskeleton youtube teasers